ugins/wordpress-acceleration'=>'','Notified LiteSpeed Web Server to purge all pages.'=>'Notified LiteSpeed Web Server to purge all pages.','All pages with Recent Posts Widget'=>'All pages with Recent Posts Widget','Pages'=>'Pages','This will Purge Pages only'=>'This will Purge Pages only','Purge Pages'=>'Purge Pages','Action'=>'Action','Cancel'=>'Cancel','Activate'=>'Activate','Email Address'=>'Email Address','Warning'=>'Warning','Install Now'=>'Install Now','Purged the url!'=>'Purged the URL!','Purged the blog!'=>'Purged the blog!','Purged All!'=>'Purged All!','Notified LiteSpeed Web Server to purge error pages.'=>'Notified LiteSpeed Web Server to purge error pages.','If using OpenLiteSpeed, the server must be restarted once for the changes to take effect.'=>'If using OpenLiteSpeed, the server must be restarted once for the changes to take effect.','If not, please verify the setting in the Advanced tab.'=>'If not, please verify the setting in the Advanced tab.','If the login cookie was recently changed in the settings, please log out and back in.'=>'If the login cookie was recently changed in the settings, please log out and back in.','However, there is no way of knowing all the possible customizations that were implemented.'=>'However, there is no way of knowing all the possible customisations that were implemented.','The LiteSpeed Cache plugin is used to cache pages - a simple way to improve the performance of the site.'=>'The LiteSpeed Cache plugin is used to cache pages - a simple way to improve the performance of the site.','The network admin setting can be overridden here.'=>'The network admin setting can be overridden here.','Specify how long, in seconds, public pages are cached.'=>'Specify how long, in seconds, public pages are cached.','Specify how long, in seconds, private pages are cached.'=>'Specify how long, in seconds, private pages are cached.','It is STRONGLY recommend that the compatibility with other plugins on a single/few sites is tested first.'=>'It is STRONGLY recommend that the compatibility with other plugins on a single/few sites is tested first.','Purge pages by post ID.'=>'Purge pages by post ID.','Purge the LiteSpeed cache entries created by this plugin'=>'Purge the LiteSpeed cache entries created by this plugin','This will Purge Front Page only'=>'This will Purge Front Page only','Purge pages by tag name - e.g. %2$s should be used for the URL %1$s.'=>'Purge pages by tag name - e.g. %2$s should be used for the URL %1$s.','e.g. Use %s or %s.'=>'e.g. Use %s or %s.','Purge pages by category name - e.g. %2$s should be used for the URL %1$s.'=>'Purge pages by category name - e.g. %2$s should be used for the URL %1$s.','If only the WordPress site should be purged, use Purge All.'=>'If only the WordPress site should be purged, use Purge All.','Notified LiteSpeed Web Server to purge everything.'=>'Notified LiteSpeed Web Server to purge everything.','Use Primary Site Configuration'=>'Use Primary Site Configuration','This will disable the settings page on all subsites.'=>'This will disable the settings page on all subsites.','Check this option to use the primary site\'s configuration for all subsites.'=>'Check this option to use the primary site\'s configuration for all subsites.','Save Changes'=>'Save Changes','The following options are selected, but are not editable in this settings page.'=>'The following options are selected, but are not editable in this settings page.','The network admin selected use primary site configs for all subsites.'=>'The network admin selected use primary site configs for all subsites.','Empty Entire Cache'=>'Empty Entire Cache','This action should only be used if things are cached incorrectly.'=>'This action should only be used if things are cached incorrectly.','Clears all cache entries related to this site, including other web applications.'=>'Clears all cache entries related to this site, including other web applications.','This may cause heavy load on the server.'=>'This may cause heavy load on the server.','This will clear EVERYTHING inside the cache.'=>'This will clear EVERYTHING inside the cache.','LiteSpeed Cache Purge All'=>'LiteSpeed Cache Purge All','If you would rather not move at litespeed, you can deactivate this plugin.'=>'If you would rather not move at litespeed, you can deactivate this plugin.','Create a post, make sure the front page is accurate.'=>'Create a post, make sure the front page is accurate.','Visit the site while logged out.'=>'Visit the site while logged out.','Examples of test cases include:'=>'Examples of test cases include:','For that reason, please test the site to make sure everything still functions properly.'=>'For that reason, please test the site to make sure everything still functions properly.','This message indicates that the plugin was installed by the server admin.'=>'This message indicates that the plugin was installed by the server admin.','LiteSpeed Cache plugin is installed!'=>'LiteSpeed Cache plugin is installed!','Debug Log'=>'Debug Log','Admin IP Only'=>'Admin IP Only','The Admin IP option will only output log messages on requests from admin IPs.'=>'The Admin IP option will only output log messages on requests from admin IPs.','Specify how long, in seconds, REST calls are cached.'=>'Specify how long, in seconds, REST calls are cached.','The environment report contains detailed information about the WordPress configuration.'=>'The environment report contains detailed information about the WordPress configuration.','The server will determine if the user is logged in based on the existence of this cookie.'=>'The server will determine if the user is logged in based on the existence of this cookie.','Note'=>'Note','After verifying that the cache works in general, please test the cart.'=>'After verifying that the cache works in general, please test the basket.','When enabled, the cache will automatically purge when any plugin, theme or the WordPress core is upgraded.'=>'When enabled, the cache will automatically purge when any plugin, theme or the WordPress core is upgraded.','Purge All On Upgrade'=>'Purge All On Upgrade','Product Update Interval'=>'Product Update Interval','Determines how changes in product quantity and product stock status affect product pages and their associated category pages.'=>'Determines how changes in product quantity and product stock status affect product pages and their associated category pages.','Always purge both product and categories on changes to the quantity or stock status.'=>'Always purge both product and categories on changes to the quantity or stock status.','Do not purge categories on changes to the quantity or stock status.'=>'Do not purge categories on changes to the quantity or stock status.','Purge product only when the stock status changes.'=>'Purge product only when the stock status changes.','Purge product and categories only when the stock status changes.'=>'Purge product and categories only when the stock status changes.','Purge categories only when stock status changes.'=>'Purge categories only when stock status changes.','Purge product on changes to the quantity or stock status.'=>'Purge product on changes to the quantity or stock status.','Htaccess did not match configuration option.'=>'.htaccess did not match configuration option.','If this is set to a number less than 30, feeds will not be cached.'=>'If this is set to a number less than 30, feeds will not be cached.','Specify how long, in seconds, feeds are cached.'=>'Specify how long, in seconds, feeds are cached.','Default Feed TTL'=>'Default Feed TTL','Failed to get %s file contents.'=>'Failed to get %s file contents.','Caching these pages may improve server performance by avoiding unnecessary PHP calls.'=>'Caching these pages may improve server performance by avoiding unnecessary PHP calls.','Some themes and plugins add resources via a PHP request.'=>'Some themes and plugins add resources via a PHP request.','Caching this resource may improve server performance by avoiding unnecessary PHP calls.'=>'Caching this resource may improve server performance by avoiding unnecessary PHP calls.','favicon.ico is requested on most pages.'=>'favicon.ico is requested on most pages.','Cache favicon.ico'=>'Cache favicon.ico','Disabling this option may negatively affect performance.'=>'Disabling this option may negatively affect performance.','Invalid login cookie. Invalid characters found.'=>'Invalid login cookie. Invalid characters found.','WARNING: The .htaccess login cookie and Database login cookie do not match.'=>'WARNING: The .htaccess login cookie and Database login cookie do not match.','Invalid login cookie. Please check the %s file.'=>'Invalid login cookie. Please check the %s file.','The cache needs to distinguish who is logged into which WordPress site in order to cache correctly.'=>'The cache needs to distinguish who is logged into which WordPress site in order to cache correctly.','There is a WordPress installed for %s.'=>'There is a WordPress installed for %s.','Example use case:'=>'Example use case:','The cookie set here will be used for this WordPress installation.'=>'The cookie set here will be used for this WordPress installation.','If every web application uses the same cookie, the server may confuse whether a user is logged in or not.'=>'If every web application uses the same cookie, the server may confuse whether a user is logged in or not.','This setting is useful for those that have multiple web applications for the same domain.'=>'This setting is useful for those that have multiple web applications for the same domain.','The default login cookie is %s.'=>'The default login cookie is %s.','MUST BE UNIQUE FROM OTHER WEB APPLICATIONS.'=>'MUST BE UNIQUE FROM OTHER WEB APPLICATIONS.','No spaces and case sensitive.'=>'No spaces and case sensitive.','SYNTAX: alphanumeric and "_".'=>'SYNTAX: alphanumeric and "_".','Login Cookie'=>'Login Cookie','More information about the available commands can be found here.'=>'More information about the available commands can be found here.','These settings are meant for ADVANCED USERS ONLY.'=>'These settings are meant for ADVANCED USERS ONLY.','Current %s Contents'=>'Current %s Contents','Advanced'=>'Advanced','Advanced Settings'=>'Advanced Settings','Purge List'=>'Purge List','Purge By...'=>'Purge By...','URL'=>'URL','Tag'=>'Tag','Post ID'=>'Post ID','Category'=>'Category','NOTICE: Database login cookie did not match your login cookie.'=>'NOTICE: Database login cookie did not match your login cookie.','Purge url %s'=>'Purge URL %s','Purge tag %s'=>'Purge tag %s','Purge category %s'=>'Purge category %s','When disabling the cache, all cached entries for this site will be purged.'=>'When disabling the cache, all cached entries for this site will be purged.','NOTICE'=>'NOTICE','This setting will edit the .htaccess file.'=>'This setting will edit the .htaccess file.','LiteSpeed Cache View .htaccess'=>'LiteSpeed Cache View .htaccess','Failed to back up %s file, aborted changes.'=>'Failed to back up %s file, aborted changes.','Do Not Cache Cookies'=>'Do Not Cache Cookies','Do Not Cache User Agents'=>'Do Not Cache User Agents','This is to ensure compatibility prior to enabling the cache for all sites.'=>'This is to ensure compatibility prior to enabling the cache for all sites.','Network Enable Cache'=>'Network Enable Cache','NOTICE:'=>'NOTICE:','Other checkboxes will be ignored.'=>'Other checkboxes will be ignored.','Select "All" if there are dynamic widgets linked to posts on pages other than the front or home pages.'=>'Select "All" if there are dynamic widgets linked to posts on pages other than the front or home pages.','List of Mobile User Agents'=>'List of Mobile User Agents','File %s is not writable.'=>'File %s is not writable.','JS Settings'=>'JS Settings','Manage'=>'Manage','Default Front Page TTL'=>'Default Front Page TTL','Notified LiteSpeed Web Server to purge the front page.'=>'Notified LiteSpeed Web Server to purge the front page.','Purge Front Page'=>'Purge Front Page','Example'=>'Example','All tags are cached by default.'=>'All tags are cached by default.','All categories are cached by default.'=>'All categories are cached by default.','To do an exact match, add %s to the end of the URL.'=>'To do an exact match, add %s to the end of the URL.','The URLs will be compared to the REQUEST_URI server variable.'=>'The URLs will be compared to the REQUEST_URI server variable.','Select only the archive types that are currently used, the others can be left unchecked.'=>'Select only the archive types that are currently used, the others can be left unchecked.','Notes'=>'Notes','Use Network Admin Setting'=>'Use Network Admin Setting','Disable'=>'Disable','Enabling LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress here enables the cache for the network.'=>'Enabling LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress here enables the cache for the network.','Disabled'=>'Disabled','Enabled'=>'Enabled','Do Not Cache Roles'=>'Do Not Cache Roles',''=>'','LiteSpeed Technologies'=>'LiteSpeed Technologies','LiteSpeed Cache'=>'LiteSpeed Cache','Outputs to WordPress debug log.'=>'Outputs to WordPress debug log.','Debug Level'=>'Debug Level','Notice'=>'Notice','Term archive (include category, tag, and tax)'=>'Term archive (include category, tag, and tax)','Daily archive'=>'Daily archive','Monthly archive'=>'Monthly archive','Yearly archive'=>'Yearly archive','Post type archive'=>'Post type archive','Author archive'=>'Author archive','Home page'=>'Home page','Front page'=>'Front page','All pages'=>'All pages','Select which pages will be automatically purged when posts are published/updated.'=>'Select which pages will be automatically purged when posts are published/updated.','Auto Purge Rules For Publish/Update'=>'Auto Purge Rules For Publish/Update','Default Public Cache TTL'=>'Default Public Cache TTL','seconds'=>'seconds','Admin IPs'=>'Admin IPs','General'=>'General','LiteSpeed Cache Settings'=>'LiteSpeed Cache Settings','Notified LiteSpeed Web Server to purge all LSCache entries.'=>'Notified LiteSpeed Web Server to purge all LSCache entries.','Purge All'=>'Purge All','Settings'=>'Settings']]; Swiss Bank Accounts Archives - BMA Business Solutions

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